We are opening up the making of our Festival trailer as a £500 commission for the person or persons who come up with the best idea…
The rules of engagement are:
You must be based in Scotland.
You can spend the £500 however you like. It could be a fee for yourself or you could pay others who have the tech skills you need to make it happen. Or you might want to use it for props and costumes etc. We leave it up to you!
You don’t need to have any filmmaking experience but you need to have at least a rough plan of how you’ll go about producing the trailer. We want to encourage people to have a go at making things, though, so are able to give you a bit of mentoring and advice on people you could employ who have relevant skills, equipment you could borrow, available locations, etc. if you have an amazing idea.
The style and content of the trailer are wide open (as long as they are a bit queer – interpret ‘queer’ how you will). The minimum length is 30 seconds and maximum 60 seconds.
The final version of the trailer must be finished by Monday 10th August.
To enter, email [email protected] with a few lines about your idea, how you would spend the £500, info about or links to any previous artsy stuff you’ve done, a note of any help you would need (tech assistance or equipment) or any accessibility issues we can aid you with in order to complete the trailer. The deadline is Monday 6th July at 5pm.
Hot tip: the simplest ideas are usually the best and for £500 with the short space of time to make something, you (probably) won’t be able to do anything too complex. We LOVE lo-fi camp stuff, though, so something along those lines would be ideal.
The finished trailer will be shared far and wide online and will screen in front of every film at SQIFF in September.