In Rage, In Grief is a powerful and emotive short film screening programme that explores the harrowing experiences and resilient spirits of queer activists who have been forcefully displaced from their homelands. Each film captures the intersection of activism, identity, and the struggle for safety and acceptance in the face of adversity. This short film screening provides a profound and intimate look into the lives of queer activists who, despite being displaced, continue to fight for their rights and the rights of others. Through these films, audiences will gain insight into the courage, determination, and enduring spirit of those who face persecution yet remain committed to their cause.
This screening is in partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council, who will be leading a panel discussion with LGBTIA+ people who have found safety in Scotland.
Curated by Huss.
Tickets are on a pay what you can sliding scale of FREE, £2, £4, £6, £8, £10, or £12. To book, click here or call the CCA Box Office on 0141 352 4900.
This programme has:
Arabic, Dutch, English, Georgian, German audio with English language descriptive subtitles.
English-BSL interpretation for the introduction and panel discussion.
Live Captioning for the introduction and panel discussion.
This screening is 80 minutes long and has an age recommendation of N/C 18+.
You can find out more information about accessibility at SQIFF 2024 here. If you have any questions about accessibility at SQIFF 2024, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or by phone on 07873 331 036.
Films in this programme include:
Beirut Dreams In Color, Dir. Michael Collins, 2022, Lebanon, 28 min
At a Cairo concert, Mashrou’ Leila’s lead singer, Hamed, the first openly gay Arab rock star, performs for 35,000 fans. A fan waves a rainbow flag, creating a magical night that results in tragic fallout. Beirut Dreams in Color explores the band’s activism and the fight for LGBTQ equality in the Middle East, showcasing music’s power and the universal desire for freedom.
Content notes: Discussion of suicide, death, queerphobia, trauma, mental health, religion, death threat, police violence, torture, physical violence, prison, forced displacement. Depiction of bomb explosion.
Access notes: Minimal flashing lights.
Queer Exile, Dir. Ahmed Awadalla, 2024, Germany, 10 min
After fleeing Egypt post-2011 revolution, an activist seeks safety in Berlin but ends up in a refugee camp plagued by far-right protests. Torn between the hostility of his new environment and nostalgia for his past, he questions his choices and queer identity. Reflecting on his memories, he gains new insights into exile, forges friendships, and redefines “home” in Berlin.
Content notes: Depiction of police violence. Discussion of racism, forced displacement, police violence, queerphobia.
The Pride Liar, Dir. Andres Lübbert, 2023, Belgium, 19 min
Emzo, a courageous queer activist, escaped persecution in Georgia five years ago, finding refuge in Belgium. This short documentary captures his unyielding commitment to the LGBTQ+ cause, showcasing the indomitable spirit of one individual’s fight for acceptance and equality.
Content notes: Discussion of queerphobia, physical violence, forced displacement, family discord, war, mental health, drug use. Depiction of physical violence, queerphobia, police violence.
MOTHER, Dirs. Meg Shutzer, Brandon Yadegari Moreno, 2023, United States, 23 min
In San Francisco, a city known for its queer community and bustling gay nightlife, there hasn’t been a lesbian bar for almost a decade. Driven by nostalgia for a time when queer women had spaces, Malia Spanyol, a self-identified dyke sets out to build one for the next generation of women and femmes.
Content notes: Depiction of alcohol use, cigarette use, vape use. Discussion of homophobia, patriarchy.
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Image Credit: Beirut Dreams In Color, Dir. Michael Collins, 2022