Blossoming Wilt is a visually striking short film screening programme that delves into the delicate and often heartbreaking nature of queer love. Each film captures the fragility of relationships and the poignant moments of connection and separation, offering an evocative exploration of love’s complexities. This programme presents a collection of films that depict the tender and vulnerable aspects of queer love, highlighting the beauty and pain that often accompany it. Through exquisite cinematography and heartfelt storytelling, these films offer a profound reflection on the transience and resilience of Queer love.
The screening starts with a poetry performance by Esraa Husain, a freelance creative writer, community curator, researcher and facilitator based in Glasgow.
Curated by Nat Lall.
Tickets are on a pay what you can sliding scale of FREE, £2, £4, £6, £8, £10, or £12. To book, click here or call the CCA Box Office on 0141 352 4900.
This programme has:
Arabic, Chinese, English, Greek, Hindi audio with English language descriptive subtitles
English-BSL interpretation for introduction and performance
Live Captioning for introduction and performance
This screening is 109 minutes long and has an age recommendation of N/C 18+.
You can find out more information about accessibility at SQIFF 2024 here. If you have any questions about accessibility at SQIFF 2024, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or by phone on 07873 331 036.
Films in this programme include:
Bubbling, Dir. Che-ming Chang, 2023, Taiwan, 24 min
Guang has difficulty focusing during school choir. He’s distracted by something more enticing than singing. When a charismatic new student arrives, Guang’s curiosity and sexual desire is taken to a new level.
Pigeons are dying when the city is on fire, Dir. Stavros Markoulakis, 2023, Greece, 21 min
On the warmest day of the year, two boys meet. A few hours later a pigeon gets trapped with them. During this heatwave, all creatures dream of escaping from the city that’s burning.
Content Notes: Depiction of cigarette use, sex, nudity.
Places I’ve Called My Own, Dir. Sushma Khadepaun, 2023, India, 29 min
After several years in the US, Tara, in the midst of her IVF process, returns to India for the funeral of her father. There, she finds a mother in denial about her sexual orientation, an ex-girlfriend who has rebuilt her life with a man, and the shadow of the paterfamilias that continues to hang over the home.
Content Notes: Depiction of injection. Discussion of COVID-19, pregnancy, death, family discord, homophobia.
Like Wave Like Cloud, Dir. Yulin Yang, 2023, China, 16 min
On a surfing trip, a female couple with an age difference attempts to navigate their uncertain relationship. Yet after an unexpected change in circumstance, they each begin to see themselves and their relationship in a new light.
Content Notes: Depiction of sex, alcohol use. Discussion of death.
Mondial 2010, Dir. Roy Dib, 2013, Lebanon, 19 min
Mondial 2010 is a film on love and place. A Lebanese gay couple decides to take a road trip to Ramallah. The film is recorded with their camera as they chronicle their journey. The viewers are invited through the couple’s conversations into the universe of a fading city.